Home Vegan Nutrition 101 USDA Creates Petition to Put Cancer Warning Labels on Processed Meat

USDA Creates Petition to Put Cancer Warning Labels on Processed Meat


The Center For Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), with an agency from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) known as the Food and Safety Inspection Services (FSIS), filed a formal Citizen’s Petition to add cancer warning labels to processed meat and poultry products.

According to the document, the USDA wants the label to read: “Frequent consumption of processed meat products may increase your risk of developing cancer of the colon and rectum. To protect you health, limit your consumption of such products.”

CSPI cites evidence regarding this fact that is presented by two organizations – The Agency for Research on Cancer, as well as World Cancer Research Fund International. Both of these organizations have concluded that the consumption of processed meat and poultry products are carcinogenic to the human species.

Last year, packaged meat was reclassified by the World Health Organization as a Group 1 carcinogen. This is the same group where tobacco, arsenic and asbestos can be found.



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