Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman told The Guardian magazine during a recent interview that Paris, France is becoming a more vegan-friendly city. This is based on her personal experience, as she lived there for two years with her husband and son prior to returning to Los Angeles.
When she was asked whether or not the reason why she moved back to the United States was because of the lack of vegan cuisine, she laughed. “Actually, Paris has improved a lot for vegans in the past few years. It was a lucky moment to be there as a vegan,” she said.
This is outstanding progress as cheese, meat and pastries are all very popular in Paris. When she first moved to Paris in 2014, she told Marie Claire magazine, “Paris is getting better for vegans – you can get anything there if you know where to look.”
Portman became a vegetarian when she was 9 years old and then went vegan in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s memoir Eating Animals. She is currently working on producing a documentary of this memoir.
Portman is currently a vegetarian; however, her actions towards animal rights have earned her a place amongst vegans’ favourite celebrities. How many people do we know made veganism possible in Paris?