Home News Worthy This Dallas Couple Has Transformed Mexican Food into Vegan Dishes

This Dallas Couple Has Transformed Mexican Food into Vegan Dishes


A Dallas couple recently decided to transform their Mexican restaurant into an all-vegan eatery.

As little as two months ago, any customer would be able to walk into Lily and Aurelio Arias’ restaurant/bakery, El Palote, and order any dish that they wanted from enchiladas to tamales. However, now customers will be able to walk in and try new alternatives to animal-based dishes.

© El Palote's Facebook Page
© El Palote via Facebook

It may be hard for Mexicans who grew up eating traditional Mexican food to switch over to vegan options; however, it was Aurelio’s heart attack that occurred nine years ago that motivated this couple to switch up the menu at El Palote.

So, after reading the first chapter of an old book that his wife bought from kids at a fundraiser, Aurelio realized the terrible effects of meat-based dishes.

“Immediately – from there – I made the decision to not eat animal products,” he said.

From then on, Aurelio gladly started feeling better. In addition, his wife and their three sons also changed their eating habits.

“I became vegan out of love for him,” Lily said in Spanish.

After coming up with successful vegan dishes, they opened their restaurant after their eldest son recommended they do it.

El Palote is located in Pleasant Grove and you can try many dishes that you won’t even believe are vegan!

In addition to El Palote’s amazing transformation, another vegan restaurant opened recently in Dallas as well called V-Eats Modern Vegan. They have had amazing reviews about their chef and the food they serve. Looks like Dallas is becoming the new vegan hot spot!

© Featured image from El Palote’s Facebook Page

#veganrestaurants #mexicanfood


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