Home Fashion and Beauty The Founders of Delikate Rayne Feature Luxury Vegan Clothing

The Founders of Delikate Rayne Feature Luxury Vegan Clothing

© Delikate Rayne
© Delikate Rayne

Vegan fashion is becoming a trend and the founders of vegan fashion label Delikate Rayne, Meg and Komie Vora, are taking it up to the next level by building their successful brand and designing luxury vegan clothing with style.

“All the vegan clothing we saw had less to do with style and was more based on the principle of veganism,” Meg told NBC news. “The options were vanilla – granola, even. You wouldn’t look at clothes and think, ‘Hey, that’s cool, I’m going to save up to buy that.'”

With this thought in mind, Delikate Rayne was founded in 2013 and has been worn by several personalities, including Kylie Jenner, JoJo and Jessica Szohr. Delikate Rayne has even appeared on sites, such as fashion designer Rachel Zoe’s The Zoe Report.


In addition, this fashion brand won the 2015 Vegan of the Year Award for Outstanding Vegan Creative. The brand is also currently nominated in the 2016 VegNews Awards for Favorite Fashion Label.

“We didn’t set out to be like, a ‘made by vegans for other vegans’ company,” said Komie. “We want fashion-lovers to fall in love with a leather skirt first, and then learn that it’s faux, and it’s a bonus because it’s both cute and no animals were harmed in the making.”

While there are many vegan fashion brands that consider themselves a luxury brand – such as Stella McCartney and VAUTE Couture – Meg and Komie have really worked hard to make their brand stand out from the rest. You can browse through several of their luxury items online and think, ‘Hey, that’s cool, I’m going to save up to buy that.’

#luxury #crueltyfreefashion




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