Vegan leather is becoming a trend, with new and innovative synthetic materials being drafted all the time. We have Piñatex, which is a synthetic leather made out of pineapple leaves, and MuSkin, which is made from mushroom caps. However, we have a new leather rising as a star made from grapes that just won the Global Change Award 2017 by H&M Foundation.
VEGEA Vegetal Leather won the award for its innovative product more commonly known as “wineleather.” The idea for the product came from the company’s desire to mix two popular Italian “excellences” together: wine and leather.
The company reuses grape solids left over from the wine industry to create their “vegetal” leather as a fashionable and eco-friendly alternative to animal leather.
According to their site, their research focuses more on the creation of their product from eco-sustainable materials that can be used for any purpose in the fashion and leather industry, including apparel, accessories, automobiles/transportation, packaging and furnishings.
“Our objective is to satisfy the increasing demand for green and cruelty-free products,” they write.
VEGEA is the perfect reflection of where the fashion industry is headed to today. Many designers are looking for fashionable, yet eco-friendly materials, and VEGEA has provided the type of leather that suits the demand.
#veganleather #eco