Home News Worthy International School Wins Award for Serving All-Vegan Food

International School Wins Award for Serving All-Vegan Food

The German International School in Chennai, India serves vegan food made with quinoa, lentils, beans and other protein sources. Photo: Pixabay/2074413
The German International School in Chennai, India serves vegan food made with quinoa, lentils, beans and other protein sources.
Photo: Pixabay/2074413

The German International School in Chennai, India was recently given the Compassionate School Award by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for serving an all-vegan menu to students.

The award recognizes the school’s decision to serve a vegan-only menu after eliminating animal products in late 2016.

Melanie Rolf, the school’s principal, mentioned in a school newsletter how their decision reflects the school’s commitment to helping the environment.

“Raising animals for food is the single greatest human-caused source of destruction to our environment,” she said.

The school serves snacks and lunches made with protein-packed ingredients such as quinoa, lentils and beans, to name a few. All of these foods provide the vitamins and nutrients necessary for child growth.

“As more and more families across India go vegan, German International School is the very first school to switch to meat-egg and dairy-free student dining,” said Manilal Valliyate, PETA’s CEO. “PETA is recognizing this institution for setting the perfect example for teaching students healthy eating habits that also protect animals and the environment.”

In addition to the German International School’s decision to go vegan, MUSE private school in Calabasas, California also serves a vegan menu.

#environment #peta




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