Home News Worthy England Finally Bans Wild Animal Circus Acts

England Finally Bans Wild Animal Circus Acts

Some animal activists are congratulating Britain, others believe this ban is long overdue.
Photo: flickr/DirkJan Ranzijn

England has finally decided to step up and ban wild animal circuses. According to the government, the ban will come into effect in 2020.

Ministers had been promising this ban for years; however, all citizens were getting were empty promises. It’s surprising that England is the second country in the United Kingdom to issue the ban, considering Scotland passed legislation in 2017. Ireland also introduced a ban last year, which came into effect on January 1, 2018.

Nevertheless, it is an amazing moment for animal rights activists, as many organizations have been fighting for animals’ rights in the UK.

“Having campaigned to stop circus suffering around the world for over 20 years, we’re delighted that a ban is finally imminent,” said Animal Defenders International (ADI) President, Jan Creamer. “Circuses cannot meet the needs of animals in small, mobile accommodation and ADI has repeatedly documented suffering and abuse. We congratulate the UK Government on consigning this outdated act to the past where it belongs.”

The announcement was made after reviewing the Welfare of Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (England) Regulations 2012.

According to the report: “The current Regulations expire on 19 January 2020. The Government does not intend to renew the Regulations as it intends to ensure that a legislative ban is introduced by then. The Regulations will then be allowed to expire.”

Polls have shown that most people in the country are against animal circuses, many of whom are against animal acts altogether.

Other activists, such as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), believe that while this ban is a great decision, it is long overdue.

A ban is currently being discussed in Wales. Animal cruelty is also playing a huge part in the next UK election, as both the Labours and the Conservatives are including measures that will be taken towards preventing animal cruelty in their plans.




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