Home Travel Elle UK Names Vegetarian and Vegan Travel a 2018 Travel Trend

Elle UK Names Vegetarian and Vegan Travel a 2018 Travel Trend

With a rising number of vegans, it’s no surprise that Elle UK would name vegan travel a top trend for 2018.
Photo: Pixabay/Einladung_zum_Essen

Lifestyle magazine Elle UK named vegetarian and vegan travel a top travel trend for 2018 in one of their recent articles.

“With more than three million vegetarians in the UK today and approximately 2,000 people shunning meat every day, the eating practice is becoming increasingly popular in the UK,” Elle editor Katie O’Malley wrote.

“So, it comes as no surprise that veggie travellers are wanting to suit their holiday needs to their dietary requirements and on the look out for vegetarian [and vegan] holidays.”

O’Malley also mentioned that major travel guide publisher Lonely Planet recommended vegan travellers try the food at Soul Kitchen, in Paris, France. Located in the beautiful Montmartre area, you can stop by for a nice lunch after visiting the SacrĂ©-Coeur cathedral.

O’Malley also recommended visiting Italy, whose proportion of vegetarians is the highest within the European continent, or India, where about 500 million people are vegetarian.

With plant-based eating having been named a top trend for 2018, it’s never been this easy to travel as a vegan.




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