There’s a food festival coming to Cardiff, Wales in hopes of helping people understand more about switching to the vegan lifestyle.
Organized by Viva!, the Cardiff Viva! Vegan Festival will feature enough to inform everyone about changing their diets from discussions to recipe sharing to “one-on-one nutritional advice.” Visitors can also buy cruelty-free bags, wallets, cosmetics, books and toys.
Whether you are a loyal vegan yourself or you are simply interested in finding out more about the cruelty-free lifestyle, this event is the perfect place for you! The festival will take place at City Hall on Saturday, February 4, 2017 from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Entry tickets cost £2 and will be sold at the door. VIP tickets will also be available, which will allow you to skip the line at the entry and receive a special goodie bag full of great vegan samples.
#viva #veganevents