We can all agree that a vegan’s biggest no!no! moment is walking into a house and seeing huge animal trophies featured on every wall. There is no doubt that this so-called “sport” is a huge act of animal cruelty. (How can it even be considered a sport when the opponent doesn’t know what game they’re playing?) Well, this designer has found an alternative to hanging animal trophies – he’s hanging vegan ones!
Israeli-based brand Urban Masquerade has debuted its latest collection called “Hunter’s Wall.” Designed by Tzachi Nevo, this collection features seven different animal heads made from wood.
Whether you’re vegan or you simply adore animals, you’ll fall in love with these fun and whimsical pieces. Whether you purchase a bear, fox, zebra, lion, panda, bull or deer, you’ll feel good hanging these on your house walls knowing that decor can be cruelty-free and beautiful.
#crueltyfree #veganhomedecor