Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill last month banning elephant acts for entertainment purposes.
“Elephants will no longer be subjected to this cruel abuse” Gov. Cuomo wrote on Twitter.
Today I signed legislation banning the use of elephants in entertainment acts. Elephants will no longer be subjected to this cruel abuse. pic.twitter.com/goXzbCzoiW
— Andrew Cuomo (@NYGovCuomo) October 19, 2017
The bill, known as the Elephant Protection Act, was passed by state legislature in June, following many animal rights groups’ protests.
Gov. Cuomo’s actions reflect a growing trend right now; many cities and countries are banning elephant acts due to the torture they endure.
“The use of elephants in these types of settings is dangerous to their health and potentially abusive,” Gov. Cuomo added in a statement. “The Elephant Protection Act furthers this administration’s efforts to fight animal cruelty, and create a stronger, more humane New York.”
The law will come into effect in 2019, and violators will be fined $1,000.
Slovakia recently introduced a law amendment to ban animal circuses by 2018, and many other places have already banned wild animals in circuses, including: Greece, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bolivia, Paraguay, Israel, Slovenia, Cyprus, Iran, Mexico, Peru, Croatia, and the Netherlands amongst others.