Home News Worthy Take a Look at the International Vegan Flag

Take a Look at the International Vegan Flag


iternationalveganflagA group of designers recently got together to design and create the international vegan flag.

The idea all started with Gad Hakimi, a recent graduate from Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, and now senior designer in an online company.

“I wanted to give from myself and my abilities to promote veganism,” Hakimi told Tivonews. “I have created a vegan superhero comic. The one thing I lacked was a flag, which will guide the character, his identity and his colours. I have searched the web for a flag and found nothing, besides a few sketches which were designed unprofessionally and were not promoted. They didn’t follow the basic rules of creating a flag. I have then decided to design a flag by myself, that same way like the rainbow flag of the LGBT movement. The flag will be identified with all vegans, first as a concept, and then as mainstream.”

The flag launched on June 9, but couldn’t have been created without the addition of a few designers and activists who helped polish the final design.

“As vegans it is our duty to protect all the animals wherever they are: land, sea and air. We chose the colours that represents these values: White – light, goodness, success, beginning. Green – land, life, nature, energy, harmony. Blue – sky, sea, faith, truth, heaven,” the flag’s website states regarding the design.

The team designed the flag as an open source, and everyone can use it for their own purpose. You can turn it into anything you want, including stickers, magnets, mats, towels, clothes, shopping bags and more.

You can download the flag here.

#veganflag #animalactivism



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