Dublin, the capital of Ireland, has banned the use of wild animals in travelling circuses.
The city council of Dublin recently signed legislation that banned the use of animals in circuses. This includes wild animals such as tigers, elephants, camels, parrots, crocodiles, horses and more.
“Training and torturing animals to perform tricks for our entertainment in an unnatural environment is inhuman and degrading,” stated counselor Noeleen Reilly after going to Ireland’s Minister of Agriculture.
This is a great start for animal rights in Dublin! As other European cities such as Berlin and Turin are getting big with animal rights and veganism, it is great to see more cities following their lead. Other international countries have also made an effort to promote animal rights. So far, countries such as Iran, Greece, Bolivia, Mexico, Belgium and the Netherlands have already banned the use of animals in circuses.
#animalabuse #animalrights