Home News Worthy Bareburger is Launching a Vegan Restaurant

Bareburger is Launching a Vegan Restaurant

They’ll also be removing some of their meat items on the current Bareburger menu.
Photo: Bareburger/Facebook

Bareburger is known for their organic and exotic meats, such as ostrich and bison. Now, they’ve decided to launch a vegan restaurant as a response to the growing plant-based trend.

The launch was announced during Nation’s Restaurant News’ (NRN) 2017 MUFSO Conference in Dallas, Texas. Jonathan Lemon, the company’s culinary director, told a “Future of Food” panel that he hopes the all-vegan restaurant will open by 2018.

“The future is here and meat will play a smaller role in the years to come,” Lemon told NRN. “Bareburger is committed to not getting left behind and leading the industry in not only great burgers but plant-based offerings as well.”

Lemon also mentioned that his team is currently working on finding meat-free alternatives, and are currently sourcing jackfruit, tempeh, tofu, textured wheat protein, and even lab-grown meat.

A few meat options will be removed from Bareburger’s current menu; however, they will not eliminate meat entirely. They will also be introducing the Impossible Burger to every single location this November. Impossible Foods calls their burger “plant-based,” and has been a successful addition to Bareburger’s menu since its debut back in March.

“I think non-vegans are flocking to the Impossible Burger because it’s an awesome substitute,” Lemon said. “As people become more aware of how sustainable plant-based diets are versus meat-based, they will naturally shift to more alternatives. Vegan food is getting better, but we feel that if we apply our culinary efforts to plant based diets we can serve a whole new demographic.”

Lemon also predicted that sometime during this century, people may stop eating meat altogether. This certainly reflects current trends, as many people are transitioning to the plant-based diet. Once thing’s for sure, and that’s that veganism is not a minority.

#veganburgers #plantbased



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