Famed actor Alec Baldwin is standing up for turkeys this Thanksgiving. While he has spent lots of time impersonating Donald Trump, he has also decided to make time to talk about Thanksgiving and turkeys.
“Like most people, I don’t like thinking about things that make me feel bad. But I also don’t like animal suffering, so I feel the need to speak out about it,” he said. “At least 46 million turkeys suffer heartbreaking fear and pain before being killed each and every Thanksgiving. This year, I’m supporting Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Project because turkeys are just as friendly, smart, and full of feeling as my dogs, and they deserve to be treated better. I hope you’ll join me by sponsoring.”

The Adopt a Turkey Project has been around for 30 years and they ask for donations of $30 to support a turkey’s life. With this donation, one lucky turkey then gets to live happily at one of Farm Sanctuary‘s three shelters, located in New York and California.
In addition, every person who donates money gets a special certificate with “a color photo and fun details about their new friend.” This personal addition will make this a fun sponsoring for everyone, especially kids, who should learn more about what they are eating for Thanksgiving every year.
In fact, Alec Baldwin is this year’s spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary, the nonprofit organization that is running the Adopt a Turkey Project.
Baldwin mentioned that every year, Americans consume great amounts of meat for Thanksgiving, supposedly for this traditional holiday. However, what Baldwin suggests may be a better approach to Thanksgiving feasts. After all, how does eating an animal show gratitude?
#adoptaturkey #animalrights #veganthanksgiving