Home News Worthy Vegan and Vegetarian Product Sales Rise in Denmark

Vegan and Vegetarian Product Sales Rise in Denmark


danishflag (350x265)As Europe is becoming more and more popular with veganism, the sales of meat-free and plant-based products have risen in the last while. In fact, the sales of meat-free and plant based products has increased 25-30 in the last few years. These statistics were based on studies from Coop and Dansk Supermarked, two supermarket chains.

“Our research suggests that the importance of meat in our meal preparations is undergoing changes,” states Sisse Fagt, National Food Institute Senior Analyst.

Some popular foods include soy sausages, falafel, veggie patties and tofu – the hit soy product of today.

“When we look at the sales of meat replacement products, we see an increase of 25-30 percent in the period from 2014-2015, and this year won’t be any different,” Lars Aarup, chief analyst for Coop, told P1 Morgen.

In addition, a survey done by Coop Analyse showed that approximately 3.3% of the chain’s customers were either vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian. However, it showed that 4.1% of people considered themselves flexitarians – people who follow a plant-based diet, but eat meat or fish every once in a while.

“These are mainly young people, women and those who live in large cities,” Fagt explained regarding the flexitarian population in the country.

This is a great start for veganism in Denmark. More and more European countries and cities are becoming vegan-friendly, following the amazing lead of Germany, where one in every ten new products is vegan or vegetarian.




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