Home News Worthy Meat Consumption in China To Be Cut In Half By 2030

Meat Consumption in China To Be Cut In Half By 2030


meat (220x146) (2)The Chinese government has decided to make major changes, affecting the food and health industries in a positive way. By the year 2030, the consumption of meat in China will decrease by 50 percent.

New dietary guidelines have been introduced by China’s health ministry, encouraging their population of 1.3 million people to reduce their consumption of meat in half from now until 2030.

Even though 2030 may seem like a long ways away, it really isn’t; China is one of the biggest consumers of meat, so this is a big step forward for them. After all, the country consumes four times as much meat today than they did 30 years ago. In fact, Hong Kong, which borders China, consumes over 123 pounds of beef per capita, ranking No. 1 for the amount of beef consumed per capita on Beef2Live.

The main reason why these new guidelines have been made is to help improve health throughout the country. However, it will also affect the world in a positive way, as it will save millions of lives and greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced dramatically.

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